keskiviikko 29. helmikuuta 2012

ill be up up and away

Anyone else who absolutely loves the UK Skins? I do. There's just something about them, not sure how to explain it. They're actually deep, the characters have real problems and I think it's really psychological. So well thought. I love it. I love the characters, their stories. Watching Skins makes me feel free and like no one's able to control me. Like I'm the master of my own life, my own future.

In NZ it felt like a saviour. Sitting in my room, watching Skins at 2am. Then waking up to school, dead tired, looking like absolute shit. It made me feel like I can still do my own decisions. Sounds ridiculous, I know, but life there was sometimes just so controlled and I felt like I had no freedom at all. It wasn't always like that, and its not like I hated my exchange year. I did love it. It's just that, not being able to go anywhere by myself - not even to the supermarket if I ran out of toothpaste! - was so different than what I was used to, what I am used to.

And I know I talk about this quite a bit, its just when ever I start getting that feeling again - feeling of being trapped, not being able to breathe - I remember all those nights in my dark room, watching Skins. Feeling free.


Too bad the 5th season was terrible. Such a disappointment after the first 4 amazing ones. Well, maybe they'll get better in the 6th season. Hopefully.
Kid Cudi - Up up and away
I'll be up up and away
up up and away
cus they gon' judge me anyway so whatever

I'll be up up and away
up up and away
cus in the end they'll judge me anyway so whatever

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