lauantai 24. joulukuuta 2011

Dear Essi



Im so sorry this comes (a bit) late, but its the thought that counts ae? I just wanna firstly wish you the best possible SEXY SEVENTEEN BDAY EVER hopefully you have the time of your life, and i promise its only gonna get better once i get back ;) Hahaha. Secondly, i wanna thank you for being the best possible friend i could ever ask for. Your xmas present was AMAZING (your gifts are always amazing, dont know how you do it), i can trust you with all my dirtiest and naughtiest secrests (like id have any of those...) and i know youll always stand up for me.

Im so excited about our future together cus i know itll be mean as haha, we can do all our adventures in France and London and where ever we want to. Im also excited for when you turn 18 (in another year...) so we can go legally clubbing together and shit, gona be amazing.

We've had our ups and downs and I reckon from now on its gonna be sweet as and im positively sure we'll stay as friends for a loooong time (forever please). I love you Essi and I cant wait to see you again so we can finally watch the 3rd season of Trueblood.

1 kommentti:

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

<3: Essi