tiistai 15. marraskuuta 2011

Article for AFS yearbook

Taas lisää tälläsii olevinaan niin syvällisii tekstei. Bear with me please.


When I left Finland I thought year was an eternity. I was worried about my friends, my family and especially my dog forgetting me in such a long time. Now, after being in New Zealand for nine months, I can say that year is a short time. It has gone so fast it is just unbelievable and still, at the same time, it feels like I’ve been here for ages already. I still remember clearly all the mixed feelings I had when our plane landed in Auckland after the 24-hour-flight and it feels like yesterday. But then again, when I think about everything I’ve been through and I’ve experienced, my life back home in Finland feels just like a distant memory from a dream. And now, suddenly, I have to go back to that dream.

I know all the exchange students keep saying this – but it is only because it is so true: it is amazing how much I’ve learnt here so far. I know myself so much better, I’ve gained appreciation for kiwi and my own Finnish culture and I think I am also better at placing myself in other people’s position and understanding them better. And despite everything I’ve learnt so far I think I will learn at least as much, if not even more, when I go back to Finland.

I feel like there are two sides in me now: there is the “old Finnish” Venla and there is the “new kiwi” Venla. Trying to fit the kiwi version into the Finnish version’s position is going to be hard. When I came to NZ I knew life would be different, I knew I would have to make some adjustments to shape myself to fit into my host-family’s life. Now, when I’m going home, to the place where I have grown up, I am expecting it to be the same: familiar and safe. Nothing has changed, so why would it be hard? Because I have changed.

So, I think I am allowed to be a bit nervous about going back home. It is not going to be easy, that’s for sure. But why would anyone do an exchange if they knew it was going to be easy? It is all about challenging yourself and the feeling you get when you succeed, when you get a text from your kiwi friend to come bowling or out for dinner or to the beach, is quite amazing. Creating a life out of nothing is hard but that is what makes the last three months the best time of the whole year. When you get rid off those stupid fears and start fully living your life. It is the best. Thank you for making my year special and unique and, just simply, the best.

1 kommentti:

Saara kirjoitti...

Hi Venla!
You called your article one of the "tälläsii olevinaan niin syvällisii tekstei".
Well, I love it. That's because you wrote beautifully and more importantly, what you wrote is true. So true. I agree with every single point you made in this article. Enjoy the rest of your time here :D Seeya at the airport! <3